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Bryan Eisenbise, Esq.

Bryan D. Eisenbise, JD, MBA, LLM(Tax) is the owner and principal attorney at Trust Legal Group. He has dedicated his 15-year career to helping individuals, families, and business owners protect their loved ones and their assets through comprehensive estate planning.


Bryan earned is BA from Cal State Fullerton in Business Management, his MBA and JD from Texas Tech School of Business and School of Law, and his LLM(Tax) from Chapman University School of Law. Bryan is a member of the State Bar of California (#252817) and is admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of California and the Federal District Court.


Bryan is a proud 5th-generation Southern Californian and resides in South Orange County with his wife and three children.


A Law Firm Proudly Serving The Great State of California


© 2023 Eisenbise Law, PC.

26632 Towne Centre Drive, #300, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610  |  949-354-2323

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DISCLAIMER:  The content of this website is intended to convey general information about Living Trust Law Group and Bryan D. Eisenbise, Esq.  It should not be relied upon or construed as legal advice or services, and is not a substitute for legal advice from qualified counsel.  Nothing on this website should be construed as an offer to represent you. Your use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Living Trust Law Group or Bryan D. Eisenbise, Esq.  This website contains an e-mail address and direct contact information for Bryan, who is a California licensed attorney.  However, neither the act of contacting Bryan electronically nor the content of any e-mail sent to Bryan will create an attorney-client relationship. Unless you have an attorney-client relationship with Living Trust Law Group or Bryan D. Eisenbise, Esq., any information you send us will not be treated as confidential. Do not send us confidential information unless you have been authorized to do so by Bryan or have a pre-existing attorney-client relationship with Living Trust Law Group or Bryan D. Eisenbise, Esq. as documented in an engagement letter.  Our principal office is in Irvine, California. This Website is not intended to seek professional employment, and is not intended to communicate to any individual or entity in any state other than California. 





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