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I understand and agree to the foregoing terms.





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  • This agreement is governed by the laws of the state of California.

  • Section titles are for reference only and do not substantively affect the agreement.

  • This agreement contains our entire agreement and no other discussion contractually binds us.

  • Pursuant to California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.4.2(a), I have chosen to self-insure.

  • Unless we promptly email you to cancel, this agreement is deemed to be also signed by us. 

  • This agreement may be modified only by written agreement of you and I.


I Am Your Attorney and You Are My Client

I am Bryan Eisenbise, a California licensed attorney.  I practice under the professional corporation, "Eisenbise Law, PC" but do business as "Trust Legal Group" I am being hired by you, the client.

These Are My Responsibilities as Your Attorney

We agree to provide you the legal services as described below. As a California licensed attorney, I also have other responsibilities to you including (but not limited to):

  • Duty of Confidentiality: I cannot share your information with any third party unless you tell me to.

  • Duty of Loyalty: I must act in your best interest and do nothing to harm you.

  • Duty to Avoid Conflict: I cannot do anything that would jeopardize my Duty of Loyalty to you.

  • Duty to Advise: I must accurately advise you of your legal rights, obligations, and options.

  • Duty of Competency: I hold myself out to be educated and able to perform the scope of services. 

  • Duty of Legality: I must always comply with the law in anything I do or advise you to do.

  • Duty of Morality: I must respect the rule of law, our legal system, and the betterment of society.

These Are the Services We Are Providing

We will create a complete living trust bundle for you consisting of a revocable living trust, pourover will(s), power(s) of attorney, advance health care directive(s), HIPAA authorization(s), certification of trust, marital property agreement (if applicable), general assignment, assignment of personal property, final memorial instructions, and the transfer of one property into your trust. Additional properties and further specifics agreed upon in any emails or electronic conversations, including fee amount and payment schedule, are part of this agreement.

These Are Your Responsibilities

You agree to pay the fee as discussed as is reflected on any invoice we send you or in any email explanation we send you. Such external communication becomes part of this agreement. You also agree to reply to our communication, and provide me with requested information, feedback, and approval of any drafts, all  in a reasonably timely manner. 

How We Handle Fees

In order to keep the price you pay so low, we also need to keep our costs low. One of the ways we do that is that we collect all fees up front rather than hire someone to track down unpaid balances. However, Under California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.5(e), this money is only "earned" by us upon us providing the service. In other words, under California State Bar regulations (which govern my license and my livelihood), you can request any unearned fees back at any time.

How We Manage and Protect Your Information

We  make a specific effort only to discuss and collect information that we need to create your living trust bundle. We do not collect social security numbers, account numbers, or other private information we don't need. All of our notes and work product is stored on Google's cloud storage platform and is accessed only by our attorneys and staff. Everyone has been trained to safely and securely handle this information.

Miscellaneous Information



A Law Firm Proudly Serving The Great State of California


© 2023 Eisenbise Law, PC.

26632 Towne Centre Drive, #300, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610  |  949-354-2323

IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.


DISCLAIMER:  The content of this website is intended to convey general information about Living Trust Law Group and Bryan D. Eisenbise, Esq.  It should not be relied upon or construed as legal advice or services, and is not a substitute for legal advice from qualified counsel.  Nothing on this website should be construed as an offer to represent you. Your use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Living Trust Law Group or Bryan D. Eisenbise, Esq.  This website contains an e-mail address and direct contact information for Bryan, who is a California licensed attorney.  However, neither the act of contacting Bryan electronically nor the content of any e-mail sent to Bryan will create an attorney-client relationship. Unless you have an attorney-client relationship with Living Trust Law Group or Bryan D. Eisenbise, Esq., any information you send us will not be treated as confidential. Do not send us confidential information unless you have been authorized to do so by Bryan or have a pre-existing attorney-client relationship with Living Trust Law Group or Bryan D. Eisenbise, Esq. as documented in an engagement letter.  Our principal office is in Irvine, California. This Website is not intended to seek professional employment, and is not intended to communicate to any individual or entity in any state other than California. 





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